face mask

1104 days ago

The Greek Hovel August 2020 - Day 14/15 the village party of Nicho the Communist

Though most folks were not masked and though Kambos is not a tourist village and there had not been any covid cases for miles bar one German about ten miles away, and we all know what my neighbours think about the Hun, the Covid crises had somewhat dulled the spirits of all. And thus what could be better than a party in the village square organised by my good friends Vangelis and Nicho the Communist to raise funds for their new youth club and to cheer everyone up. Being British we arrived early on that Friday evening. well, we thought eight o’clock was quite late but almost nobody was there so it was early.


1117 days ago

Is Neill Ricketts causing cancer with Versarien’s face masks? Read a scientific paper suggesting the answer may be YES

Shares in Versarien (VRS) have been ramped, in as much as you can ramp a cash guzzling POS, on the back of its graphene enhanced face masks. But as I pointed out yesterday there is, despite Ricketts’ misleading RNS claims – no scientific study on humans to show that they either stop one human transmitting covid to another but, worse still, there is no proof they do not harm wearers. It gets worse: there is evidence from a scientific study that they may well harm wearers which is why Spain, Ireland and Canada have already moved to ban and recall such products.
